Friday, October 5, 2012

Weekly Contest on our HeadPhone Buddy at Song Brothers Facebook!

Hi All!

It's been awhile since our last update. We have been busy tying knots here and there. Anyway to keep you updated on our on-going activities/events. 
We have just started doing a weekly contest on our Headphone Buddy at Song Brothers Facebook this October. This contest will be on going for about 3 consecutive month from date.
To join Simply "Like" us on

All you need to do is to check out our weekly contest album and simply follow what is stated on the post. :) We assure you that we have weekly great mystery gift to giveaway. A gift as a form of gratitude for our loyal followers! 

Below is our first contest, ending this Sunday 7th October. Hurry now join us!
All you need to do is Like us on Facebook. 
Share our contest on your wall for your friends & family
Comment on picture on post on our wall post "Why you love Beyer headphones & why you deserve to win" to qualify for the gveaway
Then, get your friends & family to help you like the post.
Comment with most "likes" win!
So why wait, easy easy steps for you to win a gem for yourself!

We will announce the winner on 11th October 2012

Prize collection will be at Sim Lim Square, Song Brothers.

Look forward for your participation!

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